Loan Management System (LOMS) is a web software solution, special for Loans' issuing personnel and institutions for managing loans; It covers all the processes from customers management, loans contracts management, repayments management,  staff management, reports management e.t.c.

Current version: 2.0
Contact email:
Contact phone: +255 742 777 003 / +255 629 833 155

LOMS has a number of modules that together performs a role of managing loans activities from  customers management to automated loans schedule calculator and reports generation. Here under are some of important modules accompanied with LOMS solution:

      1. Customers Management
      2. Loans Management
      3. Additional Loans Management
      4. Repayments Management
      5. Expenses Management
      6. Loan Calculator
      7. Transactions Flow
      8. Statistics Studio
      9. Reports
      10. Salary Gateway
      11. Office Assets
      12. Roles Management
      13. Notice Board
      14. SMS Gateway

    Demo available, CLICK HERE to go to LOMS demo software.

    Online Documentantion available, CLICK HERE to go to LOMS documentation.

    Contact us now to get yours installed on your own server. We also provide a cheaper shared cloud hosting service via custom subdomains for organization that do not have cloud server space and are not ready for it yet.